Matawan included in the mapping of impact start-ups 2023

This year, France Digitale, Bpifrance Le Hub and Mouvement Impact France have worked together to produce the 4th edition of the mapping of French impact start-ups, which was revealed in Paris at France Digitale's Impact Day.
This mapping highlights 1,142 companies whose core business has a significantly positive impact on the environment and society.
This ecosystem continues to grow and employs 32,000 people in France.
The 2023 mapping of French impact start-ups reveals that these companies have raised an average of nearly €10 million with around thirty employees, while Matawan has raised €45 million and has 250 employees.
We are proud to note that our business sector is one of the top 4 sectors represented, which are :
– Energy
– Circular economy
– Agriculture
– Mobility
→ Mobility accounts for 11% of start-ups, 4,000 employees and €1.6bn in funding.
Our common goal: to provide innovative solutions with a positive impact.
As far as we are concerned, we are committed to creating a positive footprint with our customers but also within the mobility sector by building free, inclusive and sustainable mobility, capable of meeting societal and environmental challenges.
"This latest edition of the mapping demonstrates the growth and resilience of the ecosystem of impact startups, but also positions France as a key breeding ground for innovation to meet environmental and societal challenges. If we want these startups to multiply their positive impact, we need to enable them to be deployed on a European scale. A harmonised single market and proactive public and private procurement policies for our start-ups are essential reforms if we are to make Europe the leader in sustainable innovation."