Matawan will be at VivaTech

From 22 to 25 May at Porte de Versailles in Paris, THE must-attend event for all those involved in innovation and new technologies will be taking place: VivaTech!
🙋 Come and meet us on 22 May at the Mission French Tech pavilion, stand no. H57-014.
VivaTech accelerates innovation by connecting start-ups, large companies, investors and technology leaders who are responding to our world’s biggest challenges.
→ A big thank you to Mission French Tech, for giving us the opportunity to present our SaaS platform and our solutions, to improve network service quality and simplify travel for everyone.
Au programme de VivaTech pour Matawan : rencontres, prises de paroles et tables rondes.
🎤 Our Chief Sustainability Officer, Laurence Medioni, will be speaking at the round table on 24 May from 11am to 11.30am on the theme of ‘Déclinaison territoriale Je choisis la French Tech en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté’ alongside Laure Wagner CEO of 1km à Pied and Alexandre Stille Head of the La French Tech Territory.